An urgent attention appears when an animal shows abnormal behavior for too long, which can indicate a serious health issue. It depends on the type of Tag when an urgent attention is generated:
Tag Neck IFER(P): cow is inactive longer than 6 hours.
Tag Neck IFE: cow has not eaten since last 12 hours.
Tag Leg: cow is lying more than 8 hours.
To change the time period for the urgent attentions, click on the settings icon on the attentions page and move the slider.
Urgent attentions should be received as push notification. Set up your email notification for this purpose. See How can I receive urgent attentions in my mailbox? for the instruction. |
Use the attention light on the V-box to see whether there are urgent attentions.
From now on the attention light blinks fast when an urgent attention appears. It stops blinking when the attention is marked as Seen in the urgent attention list. |