No data in last 24 hours
There can be several causes for this attention:
The cow is out of the antenna range, for example when she is grazing. In this case, check the box Out of range. The attention will no longer appear as long as the box is checked. Uncheck the box when the animal is in the antenna range again.
Check the Tag number. In case the Tag number in Velos is not correct, click on Edit Smarttag number and enter the correct number.
The Tag is taken off but still sending some data (sleep mode). Click on Remove Smarttag to remove the Tag from Velos as an active Tag.
The Tag may be broken. Click on Remove Smarttag and attach a new Tag to the cow.
Incorrect position
Depending on the type of Tag, the attention indicates what is wrong with the position of the Tag:
Tag is attached back to front. The Tag Neck is attached backwards. Attach the Tag with the groove (and the arrow on the back of the Tag) pointing towards the cows head.
Position of the Tag. The Tag Neck is turned sideways on the neck or twisted on the collar.
Tag Leg upside down. Attach the Tag with the Tag number at the top of the Tag.
Check the instruction videos for more information about attaching the Tags:
Not enough measurements
The Tag is taken off but still sending some data (sleep mode). Click on Remove Smarttag to delete the Tag as an active Tag.
The Tag may be broken. Attach a new Tag to the cow and click on Replace Smarttag to enter the number of the new Tag.