On this page all animals with a heat attention are listed. You can plan actions based on this information, for example inseminating an animal, and maintain the administration for these actions. See the explanation below for more information about which actions you can take.
On this tab you see a list of animals in heat. With the Actions button in the left upper corner you can do the following things for multiple animals at the same time:
Seen: mark the animals as seen when you plan to inseminate the cows and you are going to enter the insemination dates in your management software.
No heat: mark the animals when they are not in heat.
Quick entry: select this option when you want to enter the same data with the quick entry for multiple animals.
View on map (only available with Cow Positioning license): view the selected animals on the map to see where they are in the barn.
After an action is taken, the heat attentions move to the tab Handled.
Click on the individual Actions button behind an animal to do the following tasks for that animal only:
Seen: mark the animal as seen when you plan to inseminate the cow and you are going to enter the insemination date in your management software.
No heat: mark the animal when she is not in heat.
In heat. Mark the animal when she is in heat and you are not going to inseminate her.
Ins date. Select this option when you inseminated the cow and you don't use other management software to enter the insemination date. Velos automatically enters today's date as insemination date.
Keep open. Mark the animal as "keep open". when she shouldn't be inseminated anymore.
View on map (only available with Cow Positioning license): view the animal on the map to see where she is in the barn.
To include or exclude animals in the voluntary waiting period and pregnant animals for heat attentions, click on the filter icon and (un)check the animals that you (don't) want to see in the heat attention list.
On this tab you see heat attentions that are handled. With the Actions button in the left upper corner you can do the following things for multiple animals at the same time:
Move to Attentions . When you moved the animals to the Handled tab by accident, you can move them back to the Attentions tab.
Quick entry: select this option when you want to enter the same data with the quick entry for multiple animals.
View on map (only available with Cow Positioning license): view the selected animals on the map to see where they are in the barn.
Click on the indivual Actions button behind an animal to do the following tasks for that animal only:
Move to Attentions . When you moved the animal to the Handled tab by accident, you can move it back to the Attentions tab.
View on map (only available with Cow Positioning license): view the animal on the map to see where she is in the barn.
On this tab you see animals that are suspicious to become in heat. With the Actions button in the left upper corner you can do the following things for multiple animals at the same time:
Quick entry: select this option when you want to enter the same data with the quick entry for multiple animals.
View on map (only available with Cow Positioning license): view the selected animals on the map to see where they are in the barn.
Click on the indivual Actions button behind an animal to do the following task for that animal only:
View on map (only available with Cow Positioning license): view the animal on the map to see where she is in the barn.