Check your herd for health issues

Check for urgent health issues

Check your dashboard at least once a day for the Urgent attentions. An urgent attention appears when an animal shows abnormal behavior for too long, which can indicate a serious health issue. Immediate action is necessary. Follow the instructions in the chart below when you receive an urgent attention.

Besides checking the dashboard, make sure you receive the urgent attentions in your email.

  1. Go to Settings > Contacts > Email notification.

  2. Click on Urgent attention.

  3. In the field Email notification, select your user name.

  4. Click on Save.

Make sure you entered a valid email address for the user name you select:

  1. Go to Settings > Contacts > Contacts/users.

  2. Click on the username.

  3. Check the field E-mail for the email address.

Check for other health issues

Check your dashboard at least twice a day for the Animals to check. The Animals to check list shows animals to check for health issues. All animals with unusual behavior are listed here, including animals with an urgent attention. Click on Show attentions to see the complete list. Follow the steps in the flow chart below when receiving a health attention.

On the Animals to check page, click on the icon to check the activity pattern of the animal, and to see more detailed information. Click on Add to add a calender event. When there is a Cow Positioning license, click on Actions > View on map to see where the animal is.